The Food Section: Newspaper Women and the Culinary Community (Rowman & Littlefield Studies i...
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Women Politicking Politely: Advancing Feminism in the 1960s and 1970s (Women in American Pol...
by Kimberly Wilmot Voss Univer...
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Mad Men and Working Women: Feminist Perspectives on Historical Power, Resistance, and Otherness
by Erika Engstrom, Tracy Lucht...
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Re-Evaluating Women's Page Journalism in the Post-World War II Era : Celebrating Soft News
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Re-Evaluating Women's Page Journalism in the Post-World War II Era : Celebrating Soft News
by Voss, Kimberly Wilmot
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Newspaper Fashion Editors in the 1950s And 60s : Women Writers of the Runway
by Voss, Kimberly Wilmot
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Women Politicking Politely : Advancing Feminism in the 1960s And 1970s
by Voss, Kimberly Wilmot
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Vivian Castleberry : Challenging the Traditions of Women's Roles, Newspaper Content, and Com...
by Voss, Kimberly Wilmot
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Newspaper Fashion Editors in the 1950s And 60s : Women Writers of the Runway
by Voss, Kimberly Wilmot
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